Piranha4 4K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
u ser sets and au tom atically retrieved at p ow er u p or by u ser selection. If a col or correction m atrix is
d esired , the u ser can d ow nload and save a color correction file d erived from the p rocess d escribed above.
For the color correction to be effective, the cam era shou ld have a w hite balanced ou tp u t w hen color
correction is off.
Cam Exp ert has a d efau lt tim eou t of 20 second s p er com m and , w hich is too short for the FFC
calibration to ru n fu lly. You can change the d efau lt tim eou t by setting a com m and line argum ent in
the short-cu t:
Right click on the short-cu t in the start m enu an d select p rop erties.
Ad d –tim eou t 60 to increase the com m and tim eou t to 60 second s (See below ).
N ote
that you
m u st inclu d e a character sp ace betw een the closing qu otation m ark in the target and the
hyp hen before the tim eou t valu e.
Rep eat for d esktop short-cu t
Figure 19: Setting the camera’s timeout value
1. Flat Field
This Flat Field set contains a nu m ber of featu res that are u sed to correct im age d istortion d u e to lens
vignetting and u neven illu m ination . .
Flat field coefficients consist of an offset and gain for each p ixel.
These are the first u ser corrections ap p lied to the im age .
The flat field coefficients are saved and load ed w ith the u ser set .
Flat Field
flatfield CorrectionMod e
Off – Flat field correction coefficients are not ap p lied .
On – Flat field correction coefficients are ap p lied .
Initialize – Send ing this valu e w ill reset all cu rrent coefficients
(offsets to 0 and gains to 1x).
flatfield CorrectionAlgorithm
Basic – Direct calcu lation of coefficients based on cu rrent
average line valu es and target.
Low Pass – A low p ass filter is first ap p lied to the cu rrent
average line valu es before calcu lating the coefficients. Use this
algorithm if the calibration target is not u niform w hite or it s
not p ossible to d efocu s the im age. Becau se of the low p ass filter
this algorithm is not able to correct p ixel-to-p ixel variations and
so it is preferable to u se the ―Basic‖ algorithm if p ossible.