Falcon 4M Camera Manual
gpc get prnu coefficient xy 1-2352:1-1728
gsf get signal frequency m 1/4/
h help
lpc load pixel coefficient
rc reset camera
rfs restore factory settings
rpc reset pixel coefficients
rus restore user settings
sao set analog offset ti 0-0:0-511
sbr set baud rate m 9600/19200/57600/115200/
sdo set digital offset ti 0-2:0-2048
sem set exposure mode m 2/3/4/6/7/
set set exposure time f 492-999989 [us]
sfc set fpn coefficient xyi 1-2352:1-1728:0-1023
snd set number frame dumps i 1-7
sot set output throughput m 260/320/
spc set prnu coefficient xyi 1-2352:1-1728:0-12287
ssb set subtract background ti 0-2:0-511
ssf set sync frequency f 1.0-60.4 [Hz]
ssg set system gain ti 0-2:0-65535
svm set video mode i 0-12
vt verify temperature
vv verify voltages
wfc write fpn coefficients
wpc write prnu coefficients
wse window start end iixyxy 0-0:1-1:1-1:1-1725:2352-2352:4-1728
wss window set sequence i 0-1
wts window trigger source m 1/2/
wus write user settings
Retrieving Camera Settings
To retrieve current camera settings, use the command:
3.1 First Power Up Camera Settings
When the camera is powered up for the first time, it operates using the following factory
Flat field coefficients enabled (calibrated in exposure mode 2, 55 fps, and an
exposure time of 2 ms [non-concurrent readout and integration], snapshot mode
1, number of fast frame dumps = 1)
Exposure mode 2
60 fps