Some professionals like to think of filling up with air and then
basically letting go. The air will come out all by itself. We don’t
have to force it.
The turnaround between the inhalation and exhalation is
instantaneous – just as it is for normal breathing. One should not
the breath before starting to exhale. It should be one
continuous motion. It’s simply a change of direction. Imagine being
on a swing. Going backward is like the inhalation; going forward is
the exhalation – and they must flow together smoothly.
WindMaster Procedure
1. Position
in front of mouth. Hold it as close as you
like, but
touching the pegs to your lips.
Be sure pegs are
in front of mouth so the head will not tilt up or down
when blowing.
2. Hold unit level* and with both hands.
3. Keep body relaxed and loose, but be tall.
4. Inhale fully, staying relaxed. Keep the throat open. Think “oh”.
Think of filling from the bottom up.
5. Keep lips relaxed and exhale a gentle, but steady stream of air,
aiming for the center of each peg (like blowing out candles).
6. Start at far left and move
to the left (like a
harmonica) as you blow over the pegs.
* Holding the unit level is a good starting point, however, you can make it
easier by tilting it away from you, or harder by tilting it towards you. Do
whatever works best and feels best to you!