LT3/LT7 Thermal Image Camera User Manual
4.5.3 Save Setting
The Save Setting menu allows enable/disable of the CCD Camera and voice
recording. Press Confirm key to activate the main menu. Select File->Save Setting, press
Confirm key to display the Save Setting dialog box. Press Up and Down keys to choose
the option. Press Left and Right keys to set On or Off.
Link Save - With Link Save “On”, the imager will always save an IR image and
a CCD image with every save operation. With Link Save “off”, the imager will only
save whichever image the camera is viewing at the time of the save.
NOTE: When Imager is in the visible camera mode, thermal detector calibration
does not occur and may result in lower accuracy images when saved. Always save
thermal images with thermal camera active, when Link Save is ON.
NOTE: When Imager is in Link Save Mode, a prompt “Please do now move
when in link save CCD image previewing” will pop up. Then thermal image is
switched to CCD image, user confirm two images whether consistent. After confirm
Save, thermal image is back again.
Voice Save – With Voice Save “On”, the imager will start the voice record cycle
after confirmation of the save image. No recording will occur with Voice Save set to
“Off”. Voice save setting is ignored with the Auto Save function.
NOTE: To add voice comment to an image, enable Voice Save, open the image
to be modified and select File>Save. The imager will prompt you to record the
message and the new image will be assigned a new image number while the old
image will remain unchanged.