LT3/LT7 Thermal Image Camera User Manual
Spot settings include emissivity and reference temperature. When Set Ref is
set as Yes, the displayed values of other measurements will be their delta from this
Line settings only include the emissivity.
Area settings can modify the emissivity, area measurement type and area move
parameter. Measurement types are Min Temp, Max Temp or Average Temp. Area
Move parameter choices are Position or Size. The selected parameter will be adjusted by
the directional arrow keys. When “Set Ref” is set as Yes, the displayed values of other
measurements will be their delta from this measurement.
3.3.3 Freeze and save image
Press S key to freeze the image and select “C” to exit the operation.
There are three ways to save the image:
Press S key to freeze the image and then select “Save” to save the image, or select
“Cancel” to exit the operation.
Press Menu key to activate the main menu. Choose File->Save and the system will
initiate the save cycle.
With the “Trigger” parameter, located in Setup->Sys. Setup->Trigger, set to “Save
Key”, pulling and releasing the trigger key will initiate the save cycle.