5.3 Template
Please refer to the enclosed mounting template for placing the Twist ‘n’ Tilt bracket correct on the
wall (see figure 15). Carefully mark the two screw positions on the mounting surface. To ensure
an aesthetically pleasing result, we recommend that you use a spirit level to ensure that the Twist
‘n’ Tilt bracket is mounted absolutely level. After the speaker cables have been properly attached,
screw in the two screws in the pre-drilled holes and tighten them – use raw plugs if necessary.
Carefully mount the speaker onto the Twist ‘n’ Tilt bracket following the above wall mounting
instructions. As the screw holes in the bracket are oblong, we recommend using a spirit level to
ensure that the bracket is placed in level, before tightening the screws.
The DALI logo on the front grille can be turned sideways according to the orientation of your
FAZON SAT. Simply press the spring-loaded DALI logo out, turn it in the direction you want and let
it spring back in place (see figure 14).
6 . 0 R U N N I N G - I N
Like any mechanical system (e.g. a new car), a loudspeaker requires a “running-in” period to
perform at its best. You will experience a gradual increase in sound quality during the first period
of use. The break-in period will vary depending on use and playback volume (approximately 50
hours at medium volume is recommended). Unlike other mechanical systems, the life-span of a
loudspeaker is increased by normal, regular playback of music.
NEVER place the DALI FAZON SAT with the front facing down without the grille, as this will cause
deformation of the silk dome tweeter, which may damage its performance.
7 . 0 C L E A N I N G & M A I N T E N A N C E
Clean the high-gloss lacquer with a soft, dry micro-fibre cloth. If the rubber-painted front baffle is
dirty, wipe with a soft, damp micro-fibre cloth. Be careful not to damage the 4.5” midrange driver
when wiping them, as they are very fragile. It is very important that you avoid wiping the dome
tweeter. When removed from the speaker baffle, the grille can be softly vacuumed and wiped with
a well-wrung, lint-free cloth using a mild all-purpose cleaner.
7.1 Avoid direct sunlight
The surfaces of the FAZON SAT are sensitive to sunlight, which might cause colour fading over
time. To reduce colour fading, we recommend that you avoid exposing the loudspeaker to direct
8 . 0 D I S P O S A L
If you want to dispose of this product, do not mix it with general household waste. There is a
separate collection system for used electronic products in accordance with legislation that
requires proper treatment, recovery and recycling. Private households in the EU member states,
Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway may return their used electronic products free of charge
to designated collection facilities or to a retailer (if you purchase a similar new one). If you reside
in countries not mentioned above, please contact your local authorities for the correct method of
By following this process, you will ensure that your disposed product undergoes the necessary
treatment, recovery and recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment
and human health.
9 . 0 P O W E R A N D A C O U S T I C P R E S S U R E
How loud a speaker is able to play and still sound good is totally dependent on the signal it
has to reproduce. This also means that you cannot define an unequivocal playback level when
comparing different speakers. An abundance of pure, undistorted output from a large amplifier is
better than a distorted signal from a small amplifier stretched beyond its capacity. The signal from
a distorting (clipping) amplifier puts a heavy strain on the high-frequency driver. Consequently,
speakers are most often damaged by small amplifiers forced to work too hard, and very rarely by
large amplifiers, which are practically running idle.
In addition, we recommend that the tone controls generally be set to the neutral position and that
you achieve your desired sound image through correct positioning of the speakers. Ensuring that
you keep the volume low enough to keep the sound clear and undistorted will minimize the strain
on both speakers and amplifier.
We recommend that you use a high quality amplifier or surround receiver with FAZON SAT, as the
quality of the reproduced sound will benefit from it. FAZON SAT is generally designed to work well
with the amplifier that is integrated into many television sets, but in most cases, sound quality will
benefit from using a good, external amplifier.
1 0 . 0 T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S
In Table 2 you will find the most common specifications for our speakers. Please have in mind that
there are countless methods for measuring speakers. However, none of them tell you anything
useful about how a speaker really sounds. Only your ears can decide whether one speaker sounds
better than another. Like all our speakers, DALI FAZON SAT is designed to reproduce music as
honestly as possible.
Enjoy your new DALI FAZON SAT!