RS422 Surge Suppressor
If a surge board was included with the display, it is located
inside the RS422 enclosure mounted at the display. Refer to
the RS422 information in
Section 3.7
for surge board
enclosure location.
Figure 42: RS422 Surge
To replace the surge board, first disconnect the
signal connections (refer to
on the right).
The surge suppressor is held in place with four
screws. Carefully remove them using a 3/16” nut
Install the new surge suppressor, replace the screws,
and reconnect power and signal cables.
The surge suppressor is an inline device that is used to filter
the RS422 data line. It suppresses surges down to a low
voltage in order to protect the display controller’s RS422
The surge suppressor must be firmly connected to the
enclosure, and the enclosure must be properly grounded in
order to be effective. The mounting hardware used to secure
the surge suppressor is sufficient if it is fastened properly.
4.5 Ventilation Systems (With Fans and Filters)
Ventilation fans should be checked after 1,500 hours of operation and every 1,500
hours after that to ensure the display is being cooled properly. Fans should be checked
more often if the display is located in a dusty or harsh weather environment (i.e. along
a gravel road with dust laden air).
1,500 hours is equivalent to 83 days if the display is operated for 18 hours a
day and the power to the display is turned off when not in use.
1,500 hours is equivalent to 62 days if the display is running non-stop for 24
hours a day.
Each time a module is removed, for whatever reason, take a minute to
inspect the fans.
Check the fan blades for dirt and debris. If the fan blades have a large
accumulation of dirt and debris, this indicates that the filters must be
cleaned/changed more often. Fan blades must be kept clean to maintain fan
efficiency and ensure proper cooling.
Spin the fan blades with a pen or pencil to ensure that the bearings are free
and the fan is still in balance.
To check the operation of the fans, push the bypass button (momentary contact) on
the thermostat enclosure to temporarily turn the fans on (The bypass button is located
behind A102, top row, and second module from the left).
Hold your hand or a piece of light paper beneath the display to detect air
If the fan does not turn or does not operate smoothly, replace it.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting