1991-93 Chevy Caprice
Dakota Digital Gauge Installation
This sheet covers the installation of the Dakota Digital gauge kit into your 91-93 Caprice
with an original analog speedometer.
1. Remove the cluster from the vehicle.
Remove the four screws holding the clear lens onto
the cluster. Remove clear lens and gray gauge
separator plate from the gauge cluster.
2. Remove the six screws with arrows pointing to
them in the photo at left.
Pull out the fuel gauge and temp gauges, lift off the
gear indicator plate.
3. Remove the three screws pointed to in the photo
at right.
4. With the
screws removed gently pry up on speedometer motor as shown at left
to begin removing motor assembly from the gauge housing. After
the motor pins are free, slightly lift up on the speedometer face until
it contacts the cover on the trip reset shaft.
Rotate the speedometer face clockwise to access screws underneath
of it.
5. Remove the 5 screws indicated with arrows in the two photos below. Remove all the light bulbs (8)
from gauge area. The outer indicator lights can be left in place.