MAN #650777
To change the flashing number, press and release the switch to the desired number.
, then release the switch.
Repeat the process of until the right most digit has been set.
With the far right number flashing, press and hold the switch and the display will show >
Verify the small odometer at the bottom is what you want set.
You can now step through the process again and correct your readings.
Turning the key off at any time will discard any attempted odometer settings.
the switch to change the display to
is displayed, press and hold the switch
elease the switch.
Exit setup.
TACH Tachometer warning setup
When >TACH
, then release the switch.
2200 8400 RPMs.
Press and release the switch to increase the value by 100 RPMs.
Once reaching 8400 RPMs the next number will roll back to 2200 RPMs.
Exit menu.
High warning (shift light) setup
When >
is displayed, press and hold the s
, and release.
The display will show the current high RPM warning with a *.
The default is 5,500 RPMs but is selectable from 2,200 to 8,200 RPMs.
Press and release the switch to change the RPM warning point.
Press and hold the switch unti
, and release.
When >DISPLAY is displayed, pr
, and release.
The display will show DIGITAL , BAR AND BACK as selectable options.
Press and release the switch to change the how the tach reading is displayed.
, and release.
Exit setup.
OIL TEMP Engine oil temperature setup menu
Only valid to use when optional SEN-1043 or SEN-1044 is used.
displayed, press and hold either
Press and release to choose an option, then press and hold to select option.
When >UNIT is displayed, press and hold the switch
, and release.
Press and release the switch to s
Press and hold the switch on the selection,
, and release.
The options ar
To enable oil temp, when >
is displayed, press and hold the
, and release.
The selections will be
Press and release the switch to change the selection, press and hold the switch to select it.
SENDER Temperature sender selection
, and release.
The display options are SEN-1043 SEN-1044
Press and release the switch to match to the optional sender you purchased from Dakota Digital.
Press and hold the switch on the selection,
, and release.
HIGH WARNING High oil temperature warning setup
When >
displayed, press
, and release.
The display will show th
The high temperature warning points range from 225 to 375F, (107 to 190C).
Press and release the switch to change the change the high temp warning point.
, and release.
TEST Resistance test
When >TEST
, and release.
The display will give a resistance (ohm) reading of the sender. An open will read OPEN ..
Press and release the switch to change the gauge. Press and hold the switch to exit.
Exit setup.