OPERATION FOR MODE 1, DIP switch OFF momentary toggling outputs
The key chain transmitter has six buttons. They are labeled with roman numerals I, II,
III, IV, V, and VI. The red light next to the programming switches will flash once briefly each
time a button is pressed to verify the command has been received.
Button I controls outputs 1A and 1B, button II controls outputs 2A and 2B, button III
outputs 3A and 3B, button IV outputs 4A and 4B, button V outputs 5A and 5B, and button VI
outputs 6A and 6B.
There are 7 dip switches on the top of the CMDX. Switches 1 – 6 are the channel mode
control switches. Mode 1 is where the dip switch for a channel is OFF. This places that
channel in the momentary toggle mode.
In momentary toggle mode the first time a button is pressed output A is activated,
switched to ground, as long as the button is held. The next time the button is pressed output B
is activated as long as the button is held.
When the ignition key is on, the only buttons that will work are I and II Buttons III, IV, V,
and VI are disabled. Outputs 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B stay active will the key on so door latches, or
other devices that are not intended to operate when the vehicle is running should not be
controlled by these outputs. This safety feature will not allow the doors or trunk to accidentally
release while the vehicle is in motion if connected to the appropriate output.
OPERATION FOR MODE 2, DIP switch ON momentary and latching outputs
The key chain transmitter has six buttons. They are labeled with roman numerals I, II,
III, IV, V, and VI. The red light next to the programming switches will flash once briefly each
time a button is pressed to verify the command has been received.
Button I controls outputs 1A and 1B, button II controls outputs 2A and 2B, button III
outputs 3A and 3B, button IV outputs 4A and 4B, button V outputs 5A and 5B, and button VI
outputs 6A and 6B.
There are 7 dip switches on the top of the CMDX. Switches 1 – 6 are the channel mode
control switches. Mode 2 is where the dip switch for a channel is ON. This places that
channel in the momentary latch mode.
In momentary latch mode output A is activated, switched to ground, as long as the
button is held, each time the button is pressed. Output B is the latching output. The first the
button is pressed outputs B is latched on, switched to ground. The next time the button is
pressed output B is shut off.
When the ignition key is on, the only buttons that will work are I and II Buttons III, IV, V,
and VI are disabled. Outputs 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B stay active while the key on so door latches,
or other devices that are not intended to operate when the vehicle is running should not be
controlled by these outputs. This safety feature will not allow the doors or trunk to accidentally
release while the vehicle is in motion if connected to the appropriate output.