D-EIMWC01008-16_03EN - 27/35
pressure tap valve should be installed at the condenser to facilitate measuring pressure for service.
A relief valve should be installed on the discharge line.
Reference for discharge line sizing is shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. It has to be used for reference only, for circu it
working with
evaporator leaving temperature equal to 7°C and condensing temperature equal to 55°C. Line d imensioning is
responsibility of plant designer, use ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook or other suitable design guide.
Table 3 - discharge line sizing
Oil charge
In remote condenser application the oil charge into the compressor has to take into account that a percentage of oil
around 1% is usually mixed into the refrigerant, so some oil has to be added to the standard charge if the refrigerant
charge exceed the standard charge of the unit. What is important, during the unit operation, is that the oil level in the oil
separator is not lower than the ¼ of the upper sightglass.
The compressor of the EWLD and Liquid Receiver version units are shipped with their proper charge of oil. The r efrigerant
circuits must not remain open to the air for more than 15 minutes. If this happens you need to replace the oil charge and
the oil filter as described in the “Procedure to replace oil filter” of this manual.