Operating instructions
Daikin Altherma EHS(X/H)
Daikin Altherma integrated solar unit
008.1420944 – 05/2014
More detailed explanations and possible setting values for this function can be seen
in chapter 6.2.3.
3.6.4 Weather-controlled flow temperature regulation
If the weather-controlled flow temperature regulation is active,
the inflow target temperature (see info parameter [T-HS Set-
point], section 6.10) is determined automatically in accordance
with the set heating/cooling curve depending on the outside tem-
In delivery status, this function is activated. It can only be deacti-
vated or reactivated with the technician code (set point control).
Contact your specialist heating technician for this.
The weather-controlled flow temperature regulation can be opti-
mised with the
RoCon OT1
optional external temperature probe,
which can be installed on the north face of the building. If no
RoCon OT1
is installed, the Controller RoCon HP uses the value
for the outside temperature measured in the exterior heat pump
If the room station (
) is additionally connected to the
Daikin Altherma EHS(X/H), the inflow target temperatures will be
controlled dependent on the weather and room temperature
(see tab. 6-3 / tab. 6-15, parameter [Room Influence]).
If a mixer module
is connected
The heating/cooling curve setting for the assigned heating circuit
is configured as described above.
There is the option of operating the assigned heating circuit as a
a) Mixer extension
The outside temperature determined by the outside
temperature sensor connected to the Daikin Altherma
EHS(X/H) is transmitted to the mixer module via the CAN bus.
or as
b) Mixer extension with zone regulation
A separate outside temperature sensor (
RoCon OT1
) must
be connected to the mixer module. The assigned heating cir-
cuit is regulated based on the relevant outside temperature
for this zone.
When the terminal function is activated, the mixer module is op-
erated via the Controller RoCon HP of the Daikin Altherma
EHS(X/H), and the settings for the assigned heating circuit are
In conjunction with the EHS157034 room station, the mixer
module can also autonomously control the assigned heating
circuit, fully independently of the Daikin Altherma EHS(X/H).
More detailed explanations and possible setting values for this function can be seen
in sections 6.2.3 and 6.12.2.
3.6.5 Frost protection function
If the outdoor temperature is below the parameter value [T-Frost
Protect], the integrated heating circulation pump is switched on in
order to prevent the heating system from freezing.
In addition, the inflow, storage tank and connected room temper-
ature sensors are continually monitored. If the temperature
measured by any of these sensors drops below 7°C (in the case
of room temperature: 5°C), the frost protection function is auto-
matically activated.
When the frost protection function is active, the Controller RoCon
HP standard display shows the
symbol alongside the time.
If the inflow heating temperature drops below 7°C, the Daikin Al-
therma EHS(X/H) heats up until the temperature reaches at least
12°C once more.
The function ceases once the outside temperature has risen to
the set parameter value [T-Frost Protect] + 1 K is reached and
there are no other activation conditions present.
Parameter [Start T-Out Cooling]
Parameter [Max T-Out Cooling]
Parameter [T-Flow Cooling start]
Parameter [T-Flow Cooling max]
Parameter [Min T-Flow Cooling]
Target room temperature
Cooling operation possible
External temperature
Flow temperature
Cooling characteristic
Possible parallel dis-
placement of the cool-
ing characteristic
Fig. 3-15 Parameter-dependency of characteristic cooling curve
If the message "n. A." is displayed at the rotary switch
, the control unit has yet to be assigned a
valid terminal address.
If the message "n. A." is still displayed it may be nec-
essary to update the device software before the ter-
minal function can be used. Contact the Daikin Service
Team in such cases.
If low tariff functions are activated; with certain tech-
nician settings the operation of the heat pumps by the
energy supply company can be completely switched off
for a limited period of time. In such cases, no additional
heating is carried out and the internal device heating
circulation pump is not switched on, even in frost-pro-
tection conditions.
These situations can can arise when the "Overview" in-
formation level (see section 3.4.1) in the operating data
field "Ext" displays the value "HT" or "SG1".