Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram
Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram
Outdoor Unit
Connectors and
Other Parts
PCB (1): Main PCB
PCB (2): Service Monitor PCB
1) S10
Connector for terminal board (indoor - outdoor transmission)
2) S20
Connector for electronic expansion valve coil
3) S40
Connector for overload protector
4) S51, S101
Connector for service monitor PCB
5) S70
Connector for fan motor
6) S80
Connector for four way valve coil
7) S90
Connector for thermistors
(outdoor temperature, outdoor heat exchanger, discharge pipe)
8) AC1, AC2
Connector for terminal board (power supply)
9) HR1, HR2
Connector for reactor
10) E1, E2
Connector for earth
11) U, V, W
Connector for compressor
12) FU1
Fuse (30 A, 250 V)
13) FU2, FU3
Fuse (3.15 A, 250 V)
14) V2, V3, V5, V6, V11
1) S52, S102
Connector for main PCB
2) LED A
LED for service monitor (green)
3) SW1
Forced operation ON/OFF button
4) SW4-B
Switch for facility setting
Refer to page 128 for detail.
5) SW4-C
Switch for improvement of defrost performance
Refer to page 128 for detail.