2 Installation
Step 1. Embed 86 box in wall.
Step 2. Fix installation bracket on 86 box, fix via screw (M4 X 30).
Step 3. Fix the device on installation bracket, fix via bucket.
Figure 2- 1
Device center to ground shall be 1400mm to 1600mm.
Try to avoid exposing VTH to bad environment, such as condensation, high temperature,
greasy dirt, dust, corrosion, direct sunlight and etc.
If there is abnormality after you plug in network cable, you should unplug it immediately
and unplug the device from power supply. You may plug in the device to power supply
after troubleshoot.
Device installation and test must be done by professional staff. If there is any malfunction
or failure, please do not try to dismount or fix it by yourself, and please contact after-sales
department for assistance.