System Operation
Boot up
Plug in power, and press switch button on the left to boot up the device. The device displays a
white screen, and enters standby interface after 15s, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Device Initialization
Device initialization means to set admin, password and email during the first login. If the
password is not set, the platform will fail to add the device.
“Admin” and “Password” are only used to add the device, without admin authority in
personnel management.
If the admin password is forgotten, the password can be reset at the platform or ConfigTool
through Email.
Password can be 8 to 32 non-null characters; it consists of capital letters, small letters,
numbers and symbols (except
“'”, “"”, “;”, “:” and “&”). The password shall consist of 2 types
or over 2 types; “Input Password” and “Password Confirm” shall be the same. Please set a
high-security password according to password strength prompt.
Figure 3-1