Variable power levels add flexibility to your
microwave cooking. The power levels on your
microwave oven can be compared to the surface
units on a range. High (power level 10) or full
power is the fastway to cook and gives you 100%
each power level gives you microwave energy a
certain percent of the time. Power Level 7 is
microwave energy 70% of the time. Power Level 3
is microwave energy 30% of the time.
A high setting (10) will cook faster but may need
additional attention such as frequent stirring,
rotating or turning over. Most of your cooking will
be done on HIGH (Power Level 10). A lower
setting will cook more evently and with less
attention given to stirring or rotating the food.
Some foods may have better flavor, texture or
appearance if one of the lower setting is used. You
may wish to use a lower power level when cooking
foods that have a tendency to boil over, such as
scalled potatoes.
Reset periods (when the microwave energy cycles
off) give time for the food to “equalize” or transfer
heat to the inside of the food. An example of this is
shown with Power Level 3 - the defrost cycle. If
microwave energy didi not cycle off, the outside of
the food would cook before the inside was
Here are some examples of uses for various power
Cooking appliance installed under the oven may, under some heavy usage conditions. Cause temperatures
high enough to overheat some internal parts of the microwave oven.
To prevent overheating from taking place, the exhaust fan is designed to automatically turn on at a low
speed if excessive temperatures occur. Should this happen, the fan cannot be manually turned off, but it
will automatically turn off when the internal parts have cooled. The fan may stay on up to approximately
30 minutes after the range and microwave oven controls have been turned off.