Preparation time: about 15 minutes
Cooking time: about 17 min. + 3 min. oven off
4 servings
400 gr. rice (Italian risotto selection)
800/900 gr. skimmed meat broth
50 gr. butter
about 20 gr. ox bone marrow
1 small onion
a pinch of saffron
grated parmesan
1 glass of white dry wine
Put a pan of two litres capacity in the oven
at maximum heat for 4 minutes. Meanwhile
mince the onion and slice the marrow bone.
Take out the rice and bring the broth to boiling
temperature (on the stove).
At the end of the set 4 minutes, put onion,
marrow and 20 gr. butter in the pan, stir
and let it sautØ at maximum heat for 2 mi-
nutes. Pour rice in the pan, sprinkle with
wine, stir and cook for 3 minutes at maxi-
mum heat, stirring at least once. Pour broth
into the pan (save 1 glass of it) and allow 12
minutes of cooking time.
Infuse the saffron in the remaining broth
and add it to the rice after the first 5 minutes
of its cooking. Cover the pan with a lid and
put it back in the oven, stirring the rice
two or three more times. At the end of cook-
ing time, allow the rice to stand in the
oven for 3 minutes. Melt in the remaining
butter and two tablespoons of parmesan.
Serve with more grated parmesan.