CB656M-WH/WL motherboard integrated Graphics chipset designed for
Intel Celeron processor into an Micro - ATX form factor (240x190mm) that
combines performance, flexibility, and easy of use into high integrated capable
of meeting a variety of price/performance levels.
CB656M-WH/WL motherboard supports not only FSB(Front Side Bus)
66Mhz bus but also FSB 100Mhz. Celeron PPGA370 333Mhz~500+Mhz with
FSB 66Mhz can be supported for the higher performance level .
Two standard 168-pin unbuff e red DIMM Sockets with memory size up to
512MB(using 128Mb DRAM Technology) support Synchronous DRAM
m o d u l e s .
CB656M-WH/WL have GMCH(Graphic Memory Controller Hub). GMCH
integrates a 66/100Mhz bus contro l l e r,integrated 2D/3D graphics
a c c e l e l a t o r,100Mhz SDRAM controller and a high-speed hub interface for
communication with ICH/ICH0. The ICH /ICH0 integrates an Ultra-
ATA/33(ICH0) or Ultra-ATA/66(ICH) contro l l e r,USB host contro l l e r, L P C
interface contro l l e r,PCI interface contro l l e r,AC‘97 digital controller and a hub
interface for communication with the GMCH.
U s e r ’ s M a n u a l
C B 6 5 6 M - W H / W L
CB656M-WH/WL(2) 00.5.12 2:13 PM