2. Close any running applications. You may experience some difficulties if
other applications are still ru n n i n g .
3. Enter the directory “Infinst” and Run Setup.EXE.
4. You will be prompted to agree to the license agreement. If you do not
a g ree, the Installer will exit prior to extracting any files.
5. The README.TXT file will be copied to the directory C:\Pro g r a m
Files\Intel\Infinst by default. If desired, change the target directory by
selecting ‘Browse.’ This directory will henceforth be re f e r red to as <INF
Installation Dire c t o r y >
6. Follow the screen instructions and use default settings to complete the
setup once the operating system has re b o o t e d .
7. At this point, the installation of the INF Update Utility for Intel(r) Chipsets is
1. Select “My Computer” icon, “Control Panel” icon, and then the “Display”
i c o n .
2. You should now be in the “Display Properties” window.
Select the “Settings” tab, and click on the “Advanced Properties” button.
3. In the “Advanced Display Properties” window, select the “Adapter” tab,
and click the “Change...” button.
4. The “Update Device Driver Wi z a rd” window appears.
Click on the “Next” button to continue.
U s e r ’ s M a n u a l
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