4.AC97 Audio WDM Driver Installation
1. Click on Start
2. Select settings
3. Select Control Panel
4. Double click on System icon
5. Click on device manager tab
6. Click on View devices by Type button
7. Click on “PCI Multimedia device.”
8. Click on Remove
9. Click on Refre s h
10. Windows98 will launch the Add New Hard w a re Wi z a rd. This wizard
s e a rches for new drivers for PCI Multimedia Device. Select next.
11. E n s u re that the following choice is selected:Search for the matching driver
for your device.(re c o m m e n d e d )
12. Select next
13. Windows98 will list locations from where the updated driver file can be
found. Ensure that the following choice is selected:Specify a location
14. In the specify a location dialog box, specify the path “Audio”
U s e r ’ s M a n u a l
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