Black Bear is a registered trademark of Daekyung Co., Ltd.
1521-6 Dadae-dong, Saha-gu, Busan, Korea Tel: +82)51-264-6611 Fax: +82)51-264-6615
7. Maintenance
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7.1 Initial Inspection
1) Change the lubricating grease in the gear box after first 500 hours of use. After 1
inspection, check
every 6 months and refill if necessary.
2) Do not install/operate hoist/trolley in humid environments/working areas.
3) Cover the entire hoist/trolley equipment when used/kept outside.
4) To inform other personnel in the working area, place a <DO NOT OPERATE> or <INSPECTION> sign
when hoist/trolley is under inspection.
7.2 Periodic Inspection and Adjustment
7.2.1 Daily Inspection
Check for following details before use (without any load suspended):
- Is there any unusual or excessive noise from the hoist/trolley?
- Is the Safety Latch of the bottom hook (of hoist) properly installed?
- Is the Load Chain lubricated with oil?