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6.6 Lifting
1) Never use lifting slings or connecting hook (rope/wire/suspending chains) that is not rated
higher capacity than the load being lifted. Always check for any damages/deformation on lifting
slings/connecting hook before use.
2) To lift load safely, lifting slings with proper length and capacity should be used. Use lifting slings
that have sufficient load capacity for every operation.
3) Never suspend more than 1 load on a single hook.
4) Do not place any parts of the body inside hook (ex. hand, fingers).
5) Do not hit or apply shock on hook.
6) The load must be properly suspended (by rope/wire/suspending chains) in the saddle of the
hook. If load is placed incorrectly, dangerous situation may arise causing load to drop. Always
check if load is suspended safely.
7) Never suspend load on the tip of hook.
8) Always balance the loads. Ropes/wires/suspending chains must not
be tangled, slanted, or twisted.
9) Never use hoist as support of fixtures.
10) Safety Latch must be completely closed when lifting sling or wire
is suspended on hook. If Safety Latch does not close due to thickness
lifting rope or sling, it must be replaced with proper size/capacity one.
11) The angle (θ) of the 2 Lifting Sling or ropes should not be big.
If angle (θ) in the picture is excessively wide, there are possibilities
of parts breaking and load dropping as the weight applied gets
bigger. The angle (θ) of slings (ropes) should be less than 60°.
12) Never wind up Load Chain around load. If wound around, Load
Chain could crush edges of the load. It could also decrease
the strength of chain causing danger.
13) Chain must be used only in perpendicular directed loads.
Slanted direction is dangerous because load balance is lost.
Chain has weak horizontal pulling strength, so only use in
perpendicular directed loads.