5. The ignition heater operates for about 1 minute.
6. The flame is detected, if the flame intensity goes below the extinction
burner level, the device goes into mode “Start”.
7. After the preset time elapses (Parameter#08”IgnitionMax Time) the
device goes into mode ”Burning”.
Mode”Burning”-the inscription “Burning” is displayed
1. After the ignition, within 15 minutes, the power of the burner increases
gradually from Level1 to Level 3 (preset maximum level 3)
2. The burner operates at maximum level upon reaching the maximum
temperature – Tmax ( Tmax=75ºC) within certain temperature range
(dTreg Min-Max =6ºC)
3. When the burner reaches the Tmax–dTreg MinMax , the burner goes
into Level 2
4. If the burner exceeds the Tmax–(dTreg MinMax /2), the burner goes
into Level 1.
5. If the burner exceeds the Tmax, or the burner is switched “OFF”, or the
preset time interval set by clock timer - elapses, the device goes into mode
”Turn off”.
6. If the detected flame is too low within 30 seconds, the auger pauses and
pellets feeding is stopped until the flame becomes high .
7. If the detected flame is too low within 3 minutes, the device goes into
mode ”Turn Off”.
Activation of purging/cleaning:
After the preset time (Parameter#24-“Auto Clean”), the nozzle starts
purging/cleaning for a time set from(Parameter#29-“Purge”. Operation of
the burner does not change. If value is 0-10 sec. the time setting is in 0.1s,
If time is >10 sec, time is in 5 sec.
Regardless of the chosen level of operation, pellets feeding duration is
controlled by (Parameter#10-“Burn Auger Run”)
10. After room thermostat OFF command is given, if (Parameter#28-“
AMB_DELAY”) is “0” the burner will stop, if value is some sec. (>0)–