Page 7.0
If a twin system is used (see
Par. 0
), on page 7.0 you can set one of the 4 possible twin operating
Alternate every 24h:
The 2 inverters alternate in regulation every 24 operating hours.
If one of the 2 malfunctions, the other takes over regulation.
The 2 inverters work at the same time and at the same speed. This
mode is useful when a flow rate is required that cannot be provided by a single pump.
Regulation is always performed by the same inverter (Main), the other
(Reserve) takes over only if there is a malfunction of the Main one.
The 2 inverters work
alternately every 24 hours
In the case of flow rates that can be delivered by a single pump, it works in
alternating mode every 24 hours.
In the case of flow rates that cannot be delivered by a single pump, it
works in simultaneous mode.
N.B: the Booster mode can be activated only in case of constant differential pressure regulation and
proportional differential pressure regulation.
If the twin communication cable is disconnected the systems automatically configure as
, working
completely independent of each other.
Page 8.0
On page 8.0 it is possible to choose the parameter to be displayed on the Home Page:
Measured head expressed in metres
Estimated flow rate express in m
Rotation speed expressed in revs per minute (rpm)
Voltage measured on the analogue input 0-10V
Power distributed expressed in kW
Operating hours
Liquid temperature measured on the input “A1V”
(18-pole terminal block)
Liquid temperature measured on the input “A2V”
(18-pole terminal block)
Temperature difference of the liquid T-T1 in absolute value
Page 9.0
On page 9.0 you can choose the language in which to display the messages.
Page 10.0
On page 10.0 you can display the alarms log by pressing the right button.
Alarms Log
If the system finds any faults it records them permanently in the alarms log (up to a maximum of 15
alarms). For each recorded alarm a page composed of 3 parts is displayed: an alphanumeric code that
identifies the type of fault, a symbol that illustrates the fault in graphic mode, and a message in the
language selected on Page 9.0, giving a brief description of the fault.
By pressing the right button you can scroll through all the pages of the log.
2 questions appear at the end of the log:
“Reset Alarms?”
Pressing OK (left button) resets any alarms still present in the system.
“Delete Alarms Log?”
Pressing OK (left button) deletes the alarms memorised in the log.
Page 11.0
On page 11.0 you can set the system status in ON, OFF or controlled by a remote signal EXT (digital
input I1).
If ON is selected the pump is always on.
If OFF is selected the pump is always off.
If EXT is selected, reading of the status of digital input I1 is enabled. When input I1 is energised the
system goes ON and the pump is started (on the Home Page the messages “EXT” and “ON” appear
alternately at bottom right); when input I1 is not energised the system goes OFF and the pump goes off
(on the Home Page the messages “EXT” and “OFF” appear alternately at bottom right).
For the connection of the inputs see par. 5.5.1