Introducing Your Dog to the Collar
Introducing your dog to the collar should be a very positive
experience, Like anything new a dog must get used to the
different feel of the collar.
We recommend when first introducing the collar that you
don’t even turn it on and leave the transmitter in the box. The
first day keep your walking collar on the dog and hook up a
leash. Put your new
collar on the dog and go for a
walk. Most dogs like to go for a walk on the leash. Let you
dog get used to the feel of the new collar.
Remember the unit is not active. Praise the dog as you walk.
Pet them with your hand and make the collar wearing
experience positive.
The second day, again put the collar on the dog in the off
position and play fetch in your back yard. Do all the
normal things you do with your dog during playtime.
Introduce some training commands without following
through if the dog disobeys. Keep this collar experience
The third day put your dog on a leash again. Put the
collar on the dog. This time bring the
transmitter. Practice your training commands this time
introducing the lowest possible stimulation level to the dog to
correct the behavior. Every dog has a different tolerance
level to stimulation. Watch for signs that your dog feels the
stimulation. Some signs are slight ear, head or tail
movements. Increase the levels gradually until the dog
responds consistently to the command.
Even at low levels, dogs may yelp when stimulation is introduced
because it surprises them or it startles them and not because it is
hurting them. Do not make the mistake of rushing up and petting or
hugging the dog because you think that you hurt them. If you do this
the dog will learn that every time they feel the tingle they just have to
yelp and the tingle will stop and you will hug and pet them. At low
levels the dog feels a tickle. This tickle is the negative response that
the dog will associate with needing to make the correction. Low level
stimulation is a more effective way to train a dog. Low level stimula-
tion is less painful than tugging on a choke chain or leash, swatting
with a newspaper, spanking with your hand or yelling at your dog.
When done properly, low level stimulation training is more humane,
effective and mentally, a better way to train your dog. For more
information on how to train with electronic collars consult a
professional trainer or buy a “how to train” video or book on this
subject from your local pet or sporting goods retailer.
Never attach a leash or tie-out to the electronic training collar. This can
cause excessive rubbing of the electrodes on the dog’s neck which
could create chafing, rash, hair loss or even sores on the dog’s neck.
To help prevent neck chafing, your collar should be snug on the dog’s
neck with the electrodes making good skin contact. If your collar is too
tight you can affect the breathing of the dog. If your collar too loose
this will promote chafing. Always remove the collar after each training
session. The collar should not be worn for more than twelve
continuous hours without removing or repositioning on the dog’s neck.
Always remove your collar and let the dog’s neck rest. Some dogs
have sensitive skin. Should signs of irritation, redness, sores or chafing
appear on the skin, remove collar and do not use until the skin had
completely cleared up.