Never attach a leash or tie-out to the electronic No-Bark training
collar. This can cause excessive rubbing of the electrodes on the
dog’s neck which could create chafing, rash, hair loss or even
sores on the dog’s neck. Always remove the collar after each
training session. The collar should not be worn for more than
twelve continuous hours without removing or repositioning on
the dog’s neck. Always remove your collar and let the dog’s
neck rest. Some dogs have sensitive skin. Should signs of
irritation, redness, sores or chafing appear on the skin, remove
collar and do not use until the skin has completely cleared up.
How to Change the Battery
Step 1 : Unscrew A and B
Step 2 : Replace 6 Volt alkaline or lithium battery as
shown below.
Watch “+” “-” while installing. If battery is installed
backward it may prevent the unit from working.