Changing the Intensity Level
beeps. (The number of beeps and/or flashes indicates which
intensity level the unit is set on). Do not move the magnet until the
long beep stops. The unit is now on.
Turning the unit OFF
To turn the unit off, you simply reverse the procedure. Hold one of
the magnets directly up against the small letter “M”. You will hear a
long two-second beep immediately followed by a shorter beep and
the LED light will again flash with the beeping. Do not move the
magnet until the long beep stops. The unit is now off.
Ultra Min-e-2090
Once the unit is ON, you can change the Intensity level by
using one of the magnets. Slowly and steadily pass the magnet over
the small letter “M” on the collar. The unit will emit a series of
quick beeps to indicate the current intensity level. The LED light
will also flash the number of the level. For instance if the unit is on
level 3 you will hear 3 beeps and see 3 flashes, if the unit is on level
8 you will hear 8 beeps and see 3 flashes. There are eight levels.
After level Eight the unit will cycle back to level One.
Turning the unit ON
To turn on the unit you can
use either the key ring
magnet or the magnet in
the collar clasp. Hold one
of the magnets directly up
against the small letter
“M” on the front of the
Collar. You will hear a
long two-second beep
immediately followed by a
series of quick beeps. The
LED light beside the letter
“M” will flash with the