DVG-G5402SP User’s Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc.
For example
Scan Code: 4%
VoIP Dial-out: 00244%
PSTN Dial-out: leave it as blank
User Dial Length: 11
Route: Auto
VoIP Route Profile: Route # 3
Pick up the handset and dial 4323456789. The system will do the things as follow:
1. Change the phone number to the global number. 4323456789 is changed to 00244323456789. Then,
follow the VoIP Route Profile # 3.
2. Translate the global number to the private number followed the number translation of Server 3.
00244323456789 will be translated to 0323456789.
3. If Server3 is failed, the system will use the global number, 00244323456789, to go through
Server 2.
4. Translate the global number to the private number followed the number translation of Server 2.
00244323456789 is translated to 0044323456789.
5. If Server 2 is failed, the system will use the global number to go through Server 1.
6. If all VoIP routes are failed, the system will change the global number based on the rule of PSTN
Dial-out. The number is changed from 00244323456789 to 180544323456789 and diverted to PSTN.