Web User Interface
System Name Settings
Each of the five main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings.
System Name:
MDNS Name:
The name of the device. The default
name is D-Link DIS-3650AP.
The physical location of the device, e.g.
72nd Floor, D-Link HQ.
Enter the name of the multicast DNS. The
default name is dis2650ap.
Login Settings
Each of the five main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings.
User Name:
Old Password:
New Password:
Confirm Password:
Enter a user name. The default is admin.
When changing your password, enter the
old password here.
When changing your password, enter
the new password here. The password is
case-sensitive. “A” is a different character
than “a.” The length should be between
0 and 12 characters.
Enter the new password a second time
for confirmation purposes.