Enable your device
Contact your Verizon business representative to activate your device on the Verizon Wireless Network by providing
IMEI # and ICCID # listed on the back cover of the device.
Use Ethernet interface or USB data interface to the Internet
For Machine Connect 2.0 device, there are two interfaces that can be used to access the Internet. The first one is the
fast Ethernet RJ45 interface, which is driverless for Linux based, and Windows based of host devices.
The second interface is USB interface, which also can be used for Linux based and Windows based. For Windows
based hosts, this USB interface can only be used in Windos7 and above.
Basically, RJ45 interface has the higher priority than USB data interface. So when these two interfaces are using at the
same time, Machine Connect 2.0 will serve RJ45 only.
This USB interface is provided as the backward compatible to MC1.0 host.
How to check system status
For this Machine Connect 2.0, you can get the overall system status from WebUI. Depend on which interface is being
used; there are two different IP address for host.
When using the RJ45 interface, you can enter your WebUI page by the following information.
with account/password: root/root for (A) and (B) in the figure 3.
Figure 2 - URL address for RJ45 connection
When using the USB data interface, you can enter your WebUI page by the following information.
with account/password: root/root
Figure 3 - URL address for USB data connection