Connection Time: Elapsed time the DWR-966 has been connected to
the Internet
IP Address: The DWR-966’s Internet IP address
Subnet Mask: The DWR-966’s Internet subnet mask
DNS Server: IP address of the DNS server that the DWR-966 uses
Gateway: The Internet gateway IP address
IPv6: Indicates whether the IPv6 function is turned on or off
IPv6 address:
The DWR-966’s Internet IP address in IPv6 format
IPv6 DNS Server: The IPv6-format IP address of the DNS server
connected to by the DWR-966
System Information:
System Name: Displays the DWR-966’s configured name
System Uptime: Elapsed time since the DWR-966 was last turned on or
HW Version: Hardware version that the DWR-966 is currently using
SW Version: Firmware version that the DWR-966 is currently using
SSID: Names of the DWR-966’s wireless networks
Security: Encryption and authentication settings of each wireless
Channel: Current channel that the DWR-966 uses
Total Clients: Number of client devices connected via Wi-Fi
LAN 1–4: Connection status of the four LAN ports of the DWR-966
Subnet Mask: The DWR-966’s LAN subnet mask
DHCP Pool: IP address range that the DWR-966 will assign from within