802.11 b/g Access Point Command Line Interface Manual
Get Command:
get radiusname
Display RADIUS server name or IP address
get radiusname
get radiusport
Display RADIUS port number
get radiusport
get radius2ndstate
Display the second RADIUS Mode
get radius2ndstate
get radiusname2nd
Display the second RADIUS server name or IP address
get radiusname2nd
get radiusport2nd
Display the second RADIUS port number
get radiusport2nd
get radiussecret2nd
Display the second RADIUS shared secret
get radiussecret2nd
get radiuscfgid
Display the configuration of radius now
get radiuscfgid
get accountingstate
Display Accounting Mode
get accountingstate
get accountingname
Display Accounting server name or IP address
get accountingname
get accountingport
Display Accounting port number
get accountingport
get accounting2ndstate
Display second Accounting Mode
get accounting2ndstate
get accounting2ndname Display second Accounting server name or IP address get accounting2ndname
get accounting2ndport
Display second Accounting port number
get accounting2ndport
get radiussecret
Display RADIUS shared secret
get radiussecret
Set Command:
set radiusname
Set RADIUS Server name or IP address
set radiusname <DNS name::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
Explanation: <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> is IP address
set radiusname2nd
Set the second RADIUS name or IP address
set radiusname2nd <string>.
set radiusport2nd
Set the second RADIUS port number
set radiusport2nd [index]
set radiussecret2nd
Set the second RADIUS shared secret
set radiussecret2nd
set accountingstate
Set Accounting Mode
set accountingstate [disable: enable]
set accountingname
Set Accounting name or IP address
set accountingname <string>
set accountingport
Set Accounting port number
set accountingport <string>
set accounting2ndstate
Set second Accounting Mode
set accounting2ndstate [disable: enable]
set accounting2ndname
Set second Accounting name or IP address
set accounting2ndname <string>
set accounting2ndport
Set second Accounting port number
set accounting2ndport [index]
set radiusport
Set RADIUS port number
set radiusport <xxxxx>
Explanation: <xxxxx> is port number, default value is 1812
set radiussecret
Set RADIUS shared secret
set radiussecret