6.10.1. Account Control
This page is used to display http port for remote control and to set remote administration IP address. If we set remote administration IP, only terminal with that IP can
configure through web.
Remote administration: enable or disable remote administration
Http port for remote: http port for remote, it can not be changed on web.
Remote administration only from IP: Remote administration only from IP. means no limit.
This web page is used to set accounts logging in web. Access Level includes admin/user/guest three different levels, admin is the highest level, an account with the
level can do all the handles on web; oppositely, guest is the lowest one, the account with it can do nothing but view some pages. Clearly, user has the middle level
power, the account with only can do part of handling actions.
6.10.2. System Log Settings
Customer can set system log configuration on this web page. There are two kinds of log information: Kernel log and VOIP log, and Kernel log can be set on different
priority levels, on a certain level, the logs have higher levels number will not be recorded. The lower priority level, the log information recorded will be more