Static MAC Commands
The layer 2 forwarding database commands in the Command Line
Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in
the following table.
config auto_learning
[on ports <port_list | null> | off ]
show smac
show fdb
port <port no.>
create smac (802.1Q)
[mac <macaddress> port <port> vid
<vid> | idx <mac address index list
on fdb>]
delete smac
[mac <macaddress> | idx <mac
address index on smac>]
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config auto_learning
Used to enables or disables the MAC address
learning on the specified range of ports.
Syntax config
auto_learning [on ports <port_list |
null> | off]
This command allows you to enables or disables
the MAC address learning on the specified range
of ports.
Parameters null<null>
disables auto_learn on all ports.
Example usage: