RZN 430x-M
Once a year by a specialist company, who is
authorized by the appliance manufacturer.
Renew test badge, keep control book.
Respective current D+H maintenance
instruction is decisive.
D+H authorized expert companies are
specially trained by D+H for carrying out this
maintenance compentently, and therefore
they are automatically provided with relevant
maintenance instructions.
Following tests must be carried out with
- Outside examination/ inspection of system
- Measuring of insulation resistances
- Checking of all relevant power supply units
- Functional testing of connected system
- Record of competent carrying-out of
maintenance, and designation
according to directions
Every 6 months and after specialist or other
qualified personnel has taken the system
into operation.
Eliminate faults without fail. Keep a log book.
Check all devices and cable connections for
visible damage and dirt. Fire detectors, smo-
ke-vent buttons, smoke vents, etc. must not
be impeded in operation by storage goods
or reconstruction measures.
Continually activate a different smoke-vent
button (smoke detector) per line during each
new test.
Open the smoke-vent button. First all open
the system, then close it again.
Activate fire detectors with D+H smoke-
detector test unit or cigarette smoke. Re-
sponse time-lag approx. 20 sec. The red
LED must light up, and the smoke vent must
Closing after automatic activation by smo-
ke detector:
Wait until the detector no longer contains any
Use the button in the control panel to
switch the line on / off.
Press the concealed button marked
the smoke vent unit. The smoke vent closes,
and the red LEDs
in the button and in
the control panel extinguish.
When dip switch 3 is switched on OFF, the
flap can be closed directly by smoke vent
button as well. For this press masked key
in button.
Smoke vent closes, detectors will be reset.
If used, activate external control.
The smoke vent must open.
Closing after automatic activation by
external control:
Opening the contact in the external system,
e.g. by resetting the fire detection system.
Press the concealed button marked
the smoke vent unit.
The smoke vent closes, and the red LEDs
in the button and in the control panel
Check alarm display and all drives for
smooth operation up to final opening/closing
Emergency power supply:
Cut out the main fuse in the distribution
system. Repeat the function test. The green
pilot light
in the smoke-vent buttons must
not light up.
The green LED
in the control
panel must not light up.
Ventilation is disabled.