Product User’s Manual –
d. Once the status is connected, user is free to control stepper motor using SD02C.
e. If you wish to communicate at higher baudrate, you may select the desired baudrate
from the list and click on “Set New Baudrate” button. This will change the baudrate at
both the GUI and SD02C. Press Reset button on SD02C will change the baudrate to
its default value, which is 9600.
f. By using SD02C GUI, user may on/off the motor, run/brake the motor, set the
motor speed, change direction, reset/track/request the encoder value (number of
steps), accelerate the stepper motor from a specified initial speed to a final speed at
desired acceleration rate and view micro-stepping mode.
g. Since the GUI source code is provided, user can refer to the source code and
modify it or write a new program to create own GUI for own application. The GUI is
written with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015. Any version older than
this may not be able to open the project file. If it is the case, user needs to install the
newer version or recreate the project in older version.
Created by Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd. – All Rights Reserved