CY8CKIT-149 PSoC® 4100S Plus Prototyping Kit Guide, Doc. #: 002-20729 Rev. *E
CapSense Linear Slider
A 6-segment linear slider (SLD0, SLD1, SLD2, SLD3, SLD4, and SLD5) is provided on a breakout
board to demonstrate the CapSense slider functionality of PSoC 4100S Plus device. All the I/Os
used for implementing the CapSense Slider are exposed through the headers
. Shield for
slider is connected to ground by default. If you want to connect it to port (P2.5), remove R26 and
load R25.
CapSense Buttons and Slider are covered with Acrylic overlay of 1mm thickness. This is
important parameter for tuning.
Figure A-13. CapSense Slider
Touching CapSense buttons and slider for about 2 sec will auto-reset the sensor, turning off
LEDs. This is due to the auto-reset feature enabled in CapSense component for the Code example
provided with the kit.