enCoRe™ V CY7C643xx, enCoRe™ V LV CY7C604xx TRM, Document No. 001-32519 Rev *H
Sleep and Watchdog
SLP_CFG2 Register
The Sleep Configuration Register (SLP_CFG2) holds the
configuration for I2C sleep, deep sleep, and buzz.
Bits 3 and 2: ALT_Buzz[1:0].
These bits control additional
selections for POR/LVD buzz rates. These are lower rates
than the compatibility mode to provide for lower average
‘00’ - Compatibility mode, buzz rate determined by PSSDC
‘01’ - Duty cycle is 1/32768.
‘10’ - Duty cycle is 1/8192.
‘11’ - Reserved.
Bit 1: I2C_ON.
This bit enables the standby regulator in
sleep at a level sufficient to supply the I2C circuitry. It is
independent of the LSO_OFF bit.
To ensure data retention in the 32-byte I2C buffer during
sleep, the I2C_ON bit should be set before entering sleep
Bit 0: LSO_OFF:
This bit disables the LSO oscillator when
in sleep state. By default, the LSO oscillator runs in sleep.
When this bit is ‘0’, the standby regulator is active at a power
level to supply the LSO and Sleep timer circuitry and the
LSO is enabled. When this bit is ‘1’, the LSO is disabled in
sleep, which in turn, disables the Sleep Timer, Watchdog
Timer, and POR/LVD buzzing activity in sleep. If I2C_ON is
not enabled and this bit is set, the device is in the lowest
power deep sleep mode. Only a GPIO interrupt awakens the
device from deep sleep mode.
For additional information, refer to the
SLP_CFG3 Register
The Sleep Configuration Register (SLP_CFG3) holds the
configuration of the wakeup sequence taps.
It is strongly recommended to not alter this register set-
Bit 6: DBL_TAPS.
When this bit is set, all the tap values
(T0, T1, and T2) are doubled for the wakeup sequence.
Bits 5 and 4: T2TAP[1:0].
These bits control the duration
of the T2-T4 sequence (see
) by
selecting a tap from the Wakeup Timer. Note The T2 delay is
only valid for the wakeup sequence. It is not used for the
buzz sequence.
‘00’ - 1 µs
‘01’ - 2 µs
‘10’ - 5 µs
‘11’ - 10 µs
Bits 3 and 2: T1TAP[1:0].
These bits control the duration
of the T1-T2 sequence (see
) by
selecting a tap from the Wakeup Timer.
‘00’ - 3 µs
01’ - 4 µs
‘10’ - 5 µs
‘11’ - 10 µs
Bits 1 and 0: T0TAP[1:0].
These bits control the duration
of the T0-T1 sequence (see
) by
selecting a tap from the Wakeup Timer.
‘00’ - 10 µs
‘01’ - 14 µs
‘10’ - 20 µs
‘11’ - 30 µs
For additional information, refer to the
Related Registers
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
ALT_Buzz [1:0]
RW : 00
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
T2TAP [1:0]
T1TAP [1:0]
T0TAP [1:0]
RW : 0x7F