CYTVII-B-E-100-SO Evaluation Board User Guide, Document Number: 002-28207 Rev. *A
8. Install the appropriate programming integrated design environment (IDE) on a PC. The programming IDE (GHS Multi, IAR
EWB, CYP, and so on) should be able to detect a device (read the device ID) and to load a firmware HEX file (
) into
the device flash successfully.
As part of the release package, various firmware examples compiled in
programming IDEs are available. Some
examples use specific transceivers on the baseboard.
9. To start with, use the LED blink example provided with the release package to test the functioning of the board.
10. Connect a USB-mini cable to J12 and the other end to a PC. Open Tera Term or your preferred terminal logging applica-
tion and set the appropriate port and baud rate (typically 115,200 baud, 8, N, 1). Ensure that jumpers J11 and J13 are
inserted on the CPU board. Some firmware examples provide data logs from the device or ask for user inputs over the ter-