CY8CPROTO-062S3-4343W PSoC 62S3 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-28070 Rev. *A
Getting Started
This guide will help you to get acquainted with the PSoC 62S3 Wi-Fi BT Kit:
Kit Operation chapter on page 16
describes the major features of the PSoC 62S3 Wi-Fi BT
Kit and functionalities such as programming, debugging, and the USB-UART and USB-I
provides a detailed hardware description, methods to use the
onboard NOR Flash, kit schematics, and the bill of materials (BOM).
Application development using PSoC 62S3 Wi-Fi BT Kit is supported in various development
ecosystems such as ModusToolbox, and Mbed OS. For the latest software support for this
development kit including the different development ecosystems, refer to the
ModusToolbox is a free development ecosystem that includes the ModusToolbox IDE and the
PSoC 6 SDK. Using ModusToolbox IDE, you can enable and configure device resources,
middleware libraries; and program and debug the device. You can download the software
from the
. See the ModusToolbox Installation Guide for additional
Mbed OS: Visit
on instructions to develop applications on Cypress’s
target board on the Mbed OS ecosystem.
There are a wide range of code examples to evaluate the PSoC 62S3 Wi-Fi BT Kit. These
examples help you familiarize yourself with the PSoC 6 MCU and create your own design. These
examples are available in various development ecosystems such as ModusToolbox IDE, Mbed
OS, etc. Visit Cypress’s code example page to access examples for the following development