CY8CKIT-029 PSoC® LCD Segment Drive Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-55415 Rev. *K
Jumper Settings of CY8CKIT-001 DVK to Use Port A' and Port B:
Both port A' and port B uses the port 2 pins for segment lines. Switch the jumper J12 to the ‘OFF’
position; this switches off power to the character LCD, which is connected to port 2 of the CY8CKIT-
001 DVK.
Figure 4-4. J12 Jumper in OFF Position
PSoC provides serial wire debugging (SWD) with SWD on GPIO pins option. The port pins used for
SWD are P1_0 (SWDIO) and P1_1 (SWDCK). Port B uses the P1_0 and P1_1 for Seg9 and Seg8
signals, respectively. Therefore, by default, these 2 pins are not available for pin assignment in the
‘Pins’ tab of DWR file. To enable these 2 pins for GPIO purposes, follow these steps:
1. Open the design wide resource file (with extension ‘.cydwr’).
2. Click the
3. In the Programming\Debugging section, select GPIO in the Debug Select option. Setting to GPIO
frees the pins for use as GPIOs but does not completely disable the debug interface for flash
protection purposes.
Figure 4-5. Enabling P1[0] and P1[1] as GPIO
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