CY3655 Hardware User Guide
Emulator Pods
The Cypress enCoRe II emulator pod and the Wireless enCoRe II emulator pod are part of the
debugging and emulation system used for development with the Cypress enCoRe II low-speed
USB controller and Cypress Wireless enCoRe II controller.
Pod features Include:
Support for enCoRe II emulation for most enCoRe II packages with the appropriate foot
adapter and the ICE-Cube emulator.
Power supplied by either system or ICE.
4.0v to 5.25v operation for enCoRe II Pod.
2.7v to 3.6v operation for Wireless enCoRe II Pod.
Connecting to a Target System
Perform the following steps to use the emulator pod:
Solder or connect a foot adapter to the target system. (A sample of each PDIP foot
ships with the kit. Surface mount feet can be ordered as separate items).
Carefully connect the pod to the foot and ensure to orient the pin 1 corner of the pod to
the pin 1 corner of the foot.
: There is an index pin position that is off the normal
grid of the pin-grid array on both the pod and the foot. Be sure that the index pin on the
pod aligns with the index pin on the foot.
Connect the ICE to the pod using the blue RJ45 cable.
Run PSoC Designer.
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