4.7.3 Voice
Mic Volume
To configure Microphone volume , from 1-15. 8 by default.
Speaker Volume
To configure Speaker Volume,from 1-15,8 by default.
Open Door Warning
When the door is opened , users will hear that opendoor
prompt voice. If you disable it, you won’t hear the
RingBack Upload
During the calling, user will hear the ringback tone before the
other party answer. User can upload the suitable RingBack
Tone by yourself. Please note the file format and size.
Opendoor Tone Upload
Choose a suitable opendoor warning tone to upload.
Please not the file format and size.
Intercom Mute: If enabled, once the call established, the
callee will be muted.
Return Code When Refuse: Allows user to assign specific
code as return code to SIP server when an incoming call
is rejected.
Auto Answer Delay: To configure delay time before an
incoming call is automatically answered.
Auto Answer Mode: To set video or audio mode for auto
answer by default.
Direct IP: Direct IP call without SIP proxy.
Manual de usuario