Basic Telephone Operation
The timer is built in into your unit for you
to time the length of your calls. The timer
b e g i n s c o u n t i n g w h e n t h e c a l l i s
connected. The timer is also on when a
service is activated.
Line in use
When your Screenphone is in use, the
will be turned on.
M a k i n g a c a l l u s i n g t h e
Press the SPEAKERPHONE button to
switch on the speakerphone mode. Dial
the desired phone number. When the call
i s c o m p l e t e d , p r e s s t h e
SPEAKERPHONE button to hang up.
The Predial feature allows you to enter a
phone number and also edit it before it is
dialed out. Use the DIALING buttons to
enter a phone number without lifting the
HANDSET. Softkeys will be displayed on
the screen to allow you to edit the number
if necessary. Press the DIAL softkey to
dial the number.
Changing the Ringer Volume
Press OPTIONS button and 5 button to
select RING TONE. Press the ]] or
]]]] softkey to adjust the ringer volume.
Changing the Speakerphone Volume
Use the Speakerphone Slide Volume
switch located at the right hand side of
y o u r S c r e e n p h o n e t o a d j u s t t h e
speakerphone volume.
Press the HOLD button to put a call on
Press the HOLD button again (or lift the
HANDSET of an extension phone) to
release the hold.
Press the FLASH softkey to activate
services such as Call Waiting or 3-Way
Press the MUTE button to mute the
Speakerphone, handset or the headset.
Attach two screws to the wall surface using this template.
Once attached, carefully push your unit onto the screws and
slide down.
Wall Mount Template
3 1/4”
Wall Mount