Your phone is manufactured from the finest grade materials and most reliable electronic com-
ponents. We are confident you will receive many years of uninterrupted service from this telephone.
Before calling for service, please check this list of the most common problems.
The phone doesn’t work
The phone doesn’t ring
No dial tone
Cannot dial
Other party cannot hear
The display is faded
CALLER ID doesn’t work
No caller’s name
You cannot hear or be heard clearly
Caller’s information is not registered
The red LED keeps flashing
Is the LINE CORD connected properly?
Check the RING TONE / VOLUME setting.
I s t h e C O I L E D H A N D S E T C O R D
connected properly?
Check the phone jack with a known
working phone.
Do you have touch tone service?
Check the TONE/ PULSE setting.
Check if HANDSET cord is connected prop-
Adjust the Display Contrast.
Do you have CALLER ID service?
Does the CALLER ID service to which you
subscribe include the CALLERS NAME DE-
LIVERY feature?
Increase the receiver or speaker volume
Did you or your answering machine answer
calls before the second ring?
Did you review all the new calls?
The following suggestions will help you
care for the system so you can enjoy it
for years.
Keep the system dry.
If it gets wet, wipe it
dry immediately. Liq-
u i d s m i g h t c o n t a i n
m i n e r a l s t h a t c a n
c o r r o d e t h e e l e c -
tronic circuits.
U s e a n d s t o r e t h e
system only in nor-
mal temperature envi-
ronments. Tempera-
t u r e e x t r e m e s c a n
s h o r t e n t h e l i f e o f
electronic devices,
and distort or melt
plastic parts.
H a n d l e t h e s y s t e m
g e n t l y and carefully.
Dropping it can dam-
a g e c i r c u i t b o a r d s
a n d c a s e s a n d c a n
cause the system to
work improperly.
Care and Maintenance
K e e p t h e s y s t e m
away from excessive
dust and dirt, which
c a n c a u s e p r e m a -
ture wear of parts.
W i p e t h e s y s t e m
with a damp cloth oc-
casionally to keep it
looking new. Do not
u s e h a r s h c h e m i -
c a l s , c l e a n i n g s o l -
vents, or strong de-
tergents to clean the
Modifying or tampering with the system’s
internal components can cause a mal-
function and might invalidate the system’s
warranty and void your FCC authorization
to operate it. If your system is not per-
forming as it should, take it to your local
store for assistance.