Instruction manual
Page 10
Operation and Configuration
This chapter describes the FO Serial operation through its Control port.
The FO Serial must be connected to a VT100 compatible terminal or to a PC running a VT100 terminal emulation software that should be
configured as follows:
Speed: 19200 bps
Data format: 8 bits
Parity: none
Stop bit: 1
Emulation: VT100
Flow control: none
The FO configuration can be made either in AT command mode or VT100 Interactive menu mode. The choice of mode is automatic: the AT
command mode is activated when an “AT” or ”at” character string is received from the control port. The VT100 menu mode is started when the
modem detects three consecutive carriage returns or “ENTER” characters.
The use of the VT100 mode offers valuable advantages such as simplicity and on line help.
The use of the AT commands allows writing configuration programs which can be saved out of the unit on a PC for instance and can also be
protected with a password.
All the FO operation parameters can be modified and saved in either mode.
The detail of the AT command is described in another document. ( Ref CXR : 8000 601 836 )
Configuration Software MxCfg
The configuration software Mxcfg allows:
See the current configuration of FO
Modify the parameters
Save the new parameters
The all the parameters in a file on your Laptop
View the diags
Mxcfg run under Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP.
To install Mxcfg, type “a:\Setup.exe” on the floppy disk or “\tools\french\mxcfg\setup.exe" on the CDROM.
For more information, or in case of problem see the help file (Button Help or the F1 touch).
Factory and User Configurations
The FO has 4 user definable configurations and one read-only factory configuration.
The configuration process consists in setting up the FO parameters for the application and then saving these parameters in the user memory.
The active configuration must then be defined; it is activated even after a power shut-off.
Chapter 7 describes the various memories used by the unit.