half moves can be stored in your opening library (only different moves
are counted, if you enter several variations starting with 1. e4, the
move only counts for one half move).
Programming your opening library is as simple as you can dream of.
With this chess computer you do not have to use a key overlay or to
read 6 pages of manual instructions. All you have to do is learn to use
one single key !
As usual you start a new game by pressing the NEW GAME key.
You then play the variation, you want to enter in the library, The
easiest way is to use the MULTI MOVE function (section 17). You can
of course use the TAKE BACK key, let the computer offer advice or let
the computer analyse the moves. When you have reached the end of
the variation you want to enter, simply press the LIBRARY key. and the
variation is entered. It is as simple as that.
You can of course also use the LIBRARY function, if in a game against
the computer you reach an interesting variation, which you would like
to enter in the library. Just press the LIBRARY key. and the variation is
entered. If the storage capacity of 240 half moves is exceeded, the
computer will give the error signal. This means that only the first part of
the variation has been entered. The computer will also give the error
signal, if the length of a variation exceeds 60 full moves.
When the computer is playing, it will at random pick either a move
from its own opening library or from your opening library. This means
that you can also use the library to give priority to certain openings. If
e.g. you enter ihe move 1. f4 (Birds opening) in the computer, this
opening will be played more often by the computer than otherwise. The
order in which you enter the different variations is important, since the
first entered variations will be played most often.
The computer handles transpositions automatically. Thus If e.g. you
enter a line starting with 1. e4 e5 2. f4. and later on in a game play 1. f4
e5 2. e4, the computer will still be able to use the opening library.