To access the jumpers, start by removing the Unity AM from service and removing the cover. Lift out
Card 6, the sixth circuit board from the left. You will notice eight “berg” jumpers located to the left of
the board. Just change the position of each jumper and replace the board. You have now added the
additional crossover network.
If you are worrying about the addition of this network, just think for a moment how many different
band splitting networks you were using in your old processing chain before the Unity AM! You may
find that, even with two networks in the Unity AM, you have fewer than you had before!
Put the cover back on the Unity AM and place it back into service. When you do you processing set
up, be sure to review the instructions for setting the return level from your external device to the
Limiter inputs.
Serial Communication Port
RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 serial communication is available at the Serial Port. Using a wiring
configuration that will allow compatibility of the three communications protocols, the Unity AM can
be remote accessed by either a null modem, single line modem, or even a network modem.
The wiring for the DB-9 Serial Port is as follows:
Pin - 2: RS-232/RS-485 RCV (-)
Pin - 3: RS-232 TX (-)
Pin - 4: DTR
Pin - 5: Ground
Pin - 7: RS-485 RCV (+)
Pin - 8: RS-485 TX (+)