CustomControls, LLC
Step 4: Twist on and tighten #4 lock
nuts to # 4 screws on bottom disc.
Step 5: Place motor over top gate mount disc such that motor
drive lines up with the shaft on the top gate mount disc.
Step 6: Install motor bracket onto motor. There are numerous locations
to mount the motor mount bracket. Install so that the threaded rod
(Step 7) will line up with the plastic bushing hole in pipe mount bracket
after the pipe mount bracket is installed (Step 8).
The motor mount bracket contains a number of holes and is shaped so
that it can be mounted to the right side, left side, front or the back of
the motor. Mounting on the top surface, if possible, is desirable for
most installations. Choose the position that works best. Remove the
selected screws from motor, install the bracket, and re-tighten screws.
NOTE: The bracket is mounted on top of motor in picture.
Motor Mount
Step 7: Screw in threaded rod through appropriate hole on motor
mounting bracket such that the rod extends down to the plastic
bushing hole in pipe mount bracket. Install wing nut on threaded rod
under the motor mount bracket and tighten.
Pipe Mount