Voltage Selection
To change selected voltage: Open cover using small blade screwdriver or similar tool; set aside cover/fuse block
assembly; pull voltage selector card straight out of housing, using indicator pin; orient selector card so that desired
voltage is readable at bottom; fix indicator pin into notch at opposite side; insert voltage selector card into housing,
printed side of card facing towards on/off switch, and edge containing the desired voltage first; replace cover, and
verify that indicator pin shows the desired voltage. USE PROPER FUSE for voltage selected!
1 0 0 V
u s e
1.5 amp slo blow
1 2 0 V
u s e
1.25 amp slow blow
2 2 0 V
u s e
.75 amp slow blow
2 3 0 V - 2 4 0 V
u s e
.75 amp slo blow
Indicator Pin
Voltage Selector Card
Cover/Fuse block Assembly